If you're really lucky, you'll find people that share several of your interests and combine them in interesting ways.
For example, (warning! this link is a Flash animation with sound!) this guy has found a way to combine typography, vector art, and animals—all things that I love dearly.
For another example, (possibly NSFW!) this graphic designer has found a way to combine two of my loves: typography and nudity. Can typography tits be considered not safe for work? Photoshop-censored example below:
For my final mash-up that I want to share, this filmmaker clearly shares my enjoyment of statistics and ridiculousness.
The preview doesn't do this justice, so be sure to check out the entire flick.
Have a good week, all.
Who is the artist of the typograph / nude piece? I loveit and want to use it in my blog, but don't know who to credit?
The artist's name is Taylor Lane.
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